Our 100% Grass-Fed Cattle Operation - FAQs Part II

June 2021 edited to add: We will just sent cattle to the processor, so we will be fully stocked with our grass-fed, grass-finished beef in early July! Right now, we have plenty of our ground beef available in our online store (just click the shop button in the upper right corner of the page!)

I want to emphasize once again that even if you aren’t buying from us, I want you to know what to expect if you buy beef, in bulk or by the cut, directly from a producer. Everyone does things a little differently, and we want you to be prepared and informed!

How is the beef going to be packaged?

Packaging varies widely from butcher to butcher. You need to ask! If your beef is wrapped in paper it will freezer burn sooner than if it is vacuum sealed in plastic. You want to make sure the meat will be properly labeled as well. Some butchers provide boxes that will fit in your freezer and some do not.

Blackland Farm & Cattle partners with butchers who package all of our meat in vacuum-sealed plastic packaging. Individual products are clearly labeled. Vacuum-sealed meat will easily last over a year in your freezer.


Is your beef inspected?

Inspections happen at the processing plant. A producer should be able to tell you where the animal will be processed and which entity inspects that particular processor.

Blackland Farm & Cattle uses small, professional processors located as close to our farm as possible. We have relationships with both state-inspected and USDA-inspected facilities, so ask us when you purchase about which facility the animal was taken to.


How much does a (side/half/whole) cost? What is hanging weight? What is cut and wrapped weight? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY WEIGHTS??

HANGING WEIGHT – the weight of the animal once it has been killed. Think of a giant hunk of meat hanging in a butcher shop – bones, excess fat, etc ARE INCLUDED in this number. If you are paying hanging weight, you are paying for what the animal weighs at this point in the butchering process.

CUT AND WRAPPED WEIGHT – the weight that you actually bring home. This weight is after meat is cut into the pieces that you recognize as roasts, steaks, ground, etc. Depending on how meat is cut, the cut and wrapped weight can differ significantly from the hanging weight.

I highly recommend finding a YouTube video of a skilled butcher cutting up a side of beef so that you can see how this difference in weight plays out during processing.

Buying beef by the side may seem like a bargain decision. Often, the advertised price is just the hanging weight. This is not uncommon or dishonest, it’s just how the process works and it’s up to us as consumers to know how pricing works! Almost always the customer is responsible for the butcher fees. These will range in cost up to $1.00 per pound based on hanging weight (so a hanging weight of $3.50/lb could really be $4.50/lb when you add in fees). You then need to expect about a 40% loss from the hanging weight when the side of beef is cut and wrapped. An advertised price of $3.50/lb can quickly become something like $7.00/lb based on what you actually put in your freezer. This isn’t a bad price, especially for high-quality beef from a friendly local farmer, but it certainly isn’t rock-bottom either.

Blackland Farm & Cattle mostly sells bulk beef from our already existing inventory. We move through inventory quickly. Our strategy of providing bulk packages instead of wholes and halves guarantees transparent, easily-understood pricing and guaranteed weight. We outline what is typically included in our bulk packages on our website so that you know exactly what you’re getting for the clearly listed price. Individual cuts are listed with approximated weights in the product description. We want buying beef to be as straight-forward for you as possible.


Who provides the cut instructions? How do I actually get the meat to my house?

Most producers who sell beef by the side have the customer provide the cut instructions to the butcher and often require the customer to pick up their own orders. The processor could easily be an hour or more from your home. Talking to a butcher over the phone and driving to an animal processor can be an intimidating experience if you’ve never done it before.

Blackland Farm & Cattle handles all conversations with the butcher. We offer standard cuts that will work in your home kitchen and with any cooking skillset. Todd and I pick up the beef from the processor and store it in our walk-in freezer on the farm until we deliver to your door (in our delivery area). We hope to resume on-farm pick up in the near future. We are also happy to share recipes and cooking tips, just ask!


Does the producer offer a satisfaction guarantee?

You should do business with a professional producer committed to your satisfaction. Are they selling beef for the first time? Have they sold direct-marketed meats for years with a proven track record? We have heard many stories of people buying beef and hating the way it tasted or the way it was packaged or with the experience in general. No one wants to waste the food they purchase, especially if it’s in bulk!

Blackland Farm & Cattle guarantees your satisfaction with every purchase you make from our farm. We want to not only sell your family food today, but for years to come. It is important to us that you have high quality and great tasting grass-fed, grass-finished beef – we will work together to make your purchasing and eating experience the best they can be!


I know I’ve given you all a ton of information – but most simply, just remember to ask questions and look for a farmer that you can talk to! Todd and I are committed to making high-quality local food convenient for you. If you’re interested in our grass-fed, grass-finished beef (or any of our other pasture-raised products), just visit our online store or send an email and ask! We always look forward to hearing from you and having a place at your family’s table.